We prepare sustainability reports in accordance with GRI Standards as recommended by the Malaysian Stock Exchange (BURSA), Singapore Stock Exchange (SGX) and other major ASEAN stock exchanges.
The sustainability strategies formulated and initiatives developed for public-listed corporations are aimed at fulfilling the requirements of FTSE4GOOD Sustainability Indexes and Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes.
Our methodical approach in developing sustainability reports is transparent involving key personnel in the organisation throughout the process from the very beginning. This helps develop internal capabilities of our clients in sustainability reporting. We employ numerical analytical tools in the materiality assessment and data review stages, and assist our clients in the data collection task of sustainability reporting.

AGV is associated with the following bodies:

Ministry of Finance
Registration as a Sustainability Consultancy Firm specializing in (1) Economic Impact Assessment, (2) Social Impact Assessment, (3) Green Technology Consultant & (4) Energy Management Consultant
For Business Sustainability Consultancy for Social Impact Assessment and Environmental Impact Study
Ministry of Finance
Registration for AGV Environment as Environmental Consultancy to undertake full range of environmental studies.

GRI Gold Community (GRI)
We are a member of the GRI Gold Community which gives us access to resources that through which our clients and their personnel can gain deeper insight into sustainability reporting. We are one of the 2 Malaysian companies that are members of the GRI Gold Community which gives us access to resources that we transfer to our clients.

United Nations Global Compact (UNGC)
AGV is a member of the UNGC is responsible for disseminating and creating awareness on the operationalisation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals developed by the United Nations.

Global Compact Malaysia (GCMY)
AGV is a member of advisory board of GCMY, the national chapter of the United Nations Global Compact based in New York, USA.

Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)
AGV is a member of the RSPO and is able to assist palm oil plantation companies in developing their sustainability reports to also meet RSPO requirements.

TriSakti Sustainability Centre(TSC), TriSakti University, Jakarta
AGV is associated with TSC in providing sustainability assessment and validation for reports in Malaysia and Indonesia.