Social impact assessmentSocial Impact Assessment (SIA) is carried out to ascertain the impacts both positive and negative on the society that arises from the implementation of a certain development programme or project. The assessment process involves public participation and engagement with project proponent and local authorities.
As a result of the SIA, the impacts are clearly identified and detailed mitigation and management plans are developed prior to the implementation of the project or programme.
AGV has carried out SIA for infrastructure development projects – port, airport and land transportation infrastructure, property development projects, industrial development projects, , plantation projects and waste management projects. We are well-versed with PlanMalaysia’s Social Impact Assessment Guidelines 2018 and have prepared many SIAs in accordance to this guideline.
Following the Social Impact Assessment, a Social Impact Management Plan (SIMP) is developed that serves as the working guide for the implementation stage of the project or programme.
AGV’s Social Impact Assessment consultants are registered with Plan Malaysia and have more than 30 years of experience in social impact studies and socio-economic studies.