- Preparation of sustainability report to G4 Guidelines and GRI Standards
- Preparation of Integrated Report for PLCs annual reporting requirement
- Assist PLCs meet the listing requirements of FTSE4GOOD Index
- Assist PLCs meet the listing requirements of Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes
- Preparation of sustainability reports for corporate reporting requirements of MNCs and project specific reporting requirements
- Developing programs for improving sustainability measure of the organisation
- Developing Stakeholder Engagement programmes
- Developing data collection & monitoring programmes
- Developing sustainability programs for palm oil sector for RSPO requirements
- Conducting sustainability audits/assessment
- Providing validation of sustainability reports
- Providing assurance & third party verification
- Providing sustainability training & certification

Our consultants have experience in preparing sustainability reports since 2005 for
corporate requirements of multinational corporations and since 2014 for PLCs to meet
BURSA requirement.
AGV’s experience in sustainability reporting includes the following:
- Developing the Sustainability Policy for our clients based on their objective, vision & mission.
- Developing the Sustainability Strategy that gives an outline for the organisation’s sustainability journey.
- Developing Sustainability Roadmap for our clients that sets the near term, midterm and long term goals for the clients based on gaps identified in the organisation’s sustainability measure and targets set in the Sustainability Strategy.
- Developing the Sustainability Commitment Statement – brief description based on the Sustainability Policy, Strategy and Roadmap.
- Developing the Internal Sustainability Guidelines, an internal document that serves as the SOP for the organisation to reach its sustainability targets set out in the sustainability strategy and roadmap.
- Organising the Sustainability Governance Structure for clients based on their organisation chart and reporting hierarchy.
- Developing Stakeholder Engagement methods and Identification method.
- Conducting thorough materiality assessment of the clients’ operations, developing materiality matrix using workshop method and computational tools.
- Assisting the client in identifying the data required for meaningful reporting based on the materiality assessment and availability. This includes analyzing the data and presenting it in clear and precise graphical representation.
- Mapping the Sustainability Performance Indicators (identified GRI indicators) against United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (17 UNSDGs)
- Developing the narrative description of the client’s business and its sustainability measure in the areas of economic sustainability, environmental sustainability and social sustainability
- Developing the message for the Chairman/ CEO for the Sustainability Report
- Preparation of the GRI Indicators Content Index
- Developing the whole report that includes copywriting, photography, design & layout and production including printed and electronic version for web uploads and CD production.
- Oil & gas
- Petrochemical storage & distribution
- Palm oil plantation & milling (upstream)
- Food manufacturing inline with international operating standards
- Retail chain operations, warehousing & distribution
- Automotive manufacturing & distribution
- Waste management & recycling
- Property development
- Construction
- Heavy Construction Equipment
- Healthcare
- Real Estate Investment Trusts
- Chemical manufacturing
- Hospitality
- Engineering
- Mining